Looking for Jen Selter's Workout to make your butt look like Jen Selter's butt? Here is Jen Selter's Workout to reshape your ass Hot and Sexy.
Curvy Instagram star Jen Selter's fan base on social media is growing at an exceptional rate! Jen Selter's perfectly toned bum has already attracted more than 1.7 million followers on Instagram. Hundreds of thousands of people now consider Selter a fitness inspiration. A lot of them are even trying to copy her butt. Fortunately, Jen Selter has revealed some secrets for getting a bootylicious booty in an interview. She recommends five simple exercises that anyone can do to achieve a Perfect Butt. Given below is a brief description of those five workouts. Simply follow them on regular basis and get those unbelievably famous Butts of Jen Selter.
1. Doggy Hydrant
Get on all fours with knees directly under hips and hands directly under the shoulders. Now, while keeping your leg bent, lift the left leg off the ground and rotate it out to your side until your inner thigh is parallel with the floor. Squeeze your glutes and abs, and slowly return to the starting position by keeping your knee only slightly off the ground. Repeat this for fifteen times and then switch legs.
2. Donkey Kicks
Kneel down on all fours, with your hands about shoulder-width distance apart and knees hip-width apart. Now slowly raise one leg and press your heel towards the ceiling in such a manner that your foot is directly above your butt. Then, squeeze your glutes and gently return to the starting position while keeping your knee off the ground. Repeat this for about fifteen times, and then switch to the other leg.
3. Squat Pulse
Begin standing with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out, and arms stretched out in front. Now, hold a squat position, and pulse up & down, raising and lowering your butt to about six inches or so each time. Pulse for at least ten times before you stand and relax. Try to stay in squat position until you complete one set. Do it fifteen times and try to do three sets for best results.
4. Squat Kick
Start in a standing position, with feet wider than hip-width apart and toes slightly turned out. Now, while holding your arms straight in front of you, lower yourself in the squat position in such a way that your glutes is just below the height of your knees. See to it that your knees stay behind your toes when you squat. And if you find that your knees are reaching past your toes, simply widen your stance a little bit. Next, stand back up to the starting position, and then lift your right leg as high as you can directly to the side of you. Then, slowly lower your leg back to the ground. Repeat this movement for ten times and then switch to other leg. Plus, Selter recommends doing three sets of this exercise to get the perfect butt.
5. Chair Kicks
Place a chair - preferably a tall chair - facing away from you. Stand behind the chair at arms-length with feet placed together. Place your hands on the back of the chair for balance. Now, lean forward slightly and gently lift your right leg straight behind you, while keeping your knee straight but not locked. Squeeze your glutes and make sure to keep your hips square during the entire movement. Lift your leg as high as possible and then slowly return to the starting position by lowering your leg. Repeat this procedure at least ten minutes before switching to other leg. Perform two sets of this exercise with each leg in order to ensure optimal results.
Source: cosmopolitan.com
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