Looking for Jen Selter's Workout to make your butt look like Jen Selter's butt? Here is Jen Selter's Workout to reshape your ass Hot and Sexy.
Curvy Instagram star Jen Selter's fan base on social media is growing at an exceptional rate! Jen Selter's perfectly toned bum has already attracted more than 1.7 million followers on Instagram. Hundreds of thousands of people now consider Selter a fitness inspiration. A lot of them are even trying to copy her butt. Fortunately, Jen Selter has revealed some secrets for getting a bootylicious booty in an interview. She recommends five simple exercises that anyone can do to achieve a Perfect Butt. Given below is a brief description of those five workouts. Simply follow them on regular basis and get those unbelievably famous Butts of Jen Selter.
1. Doggy Hydrant
Get on all fours with knees directly under hips and hands directly under the shoulders. Now, while keeping your leg bent, lift the left leg off the ground and rotate it out to your side until your inner thigh is parallel with the floor. Squeeze your glutes and abs, and slowly return to the starting position by keeping your knee only slightly off the ground. Repeat this for fifteen times and then switch legs.